30 oct. 2009
Trick or treat?
Pro sau contra Halloween-ului?
Trick or treat?
Nu,eu nu sarbatoresc Halloween-ul doar ca imi place mult tema asta si mi-am imbracat si eu blogu` in haina de sarbatoare dovleceasca si vrajitoareasca. spooky. hah.
O sa revin luni cu o tema ceva mai normala. + cu tot cu blogroll-ul de dinainte de Halloween.
Deci, voi sarbatoriti? Daca da, cum?
Daca nu, evident de ce?
Io cred ca`s prea "batrana" pentru treburi d-astea. O singura data pe la inceputul liceului am mers la o petrecere de Halloween. Nu va zic in ce m-am costumat. secret, discret...hah.
Here are some countries which celebrate Halloween:
If some continental European countries adopted Halloween, this has not been without difficulty. Indeed, we consider this celebration being too "American Marketing" style. European people give more value to their culture and traditions than to commercial events.
Belgian people celebrate Halloween since more than ten years but Gouy-Lez-Pieton refuses to adopt it, preferring to celebrate their own Samhain-style holiday. Even if Belgian people organize a Day Before Christmas dinner, they still offer gifts to children on December 6th and not on December 25th. So, I doubt that my country will replace All Saints Day by Halloween.
On the other hand, Belgian people do not open their doors to unknown persons - including children - and we are not welcomed to ask for candies. By the way, many children are fighting in the streets to steal candy from others.
French people think that this holiday is too commercial and while this country finally adopted Halloween in the late 1990s, it is now less appreciated. There are very few children ringing at the doors and asking for sweets.
English people celebrate the Guy Fawkes Day on November 5th and adopted many customs from Samhain. These festivities are marked by torchlight parades where children use masks made from beets and pumpkins.
Scottish people practice their ancient pagan rites. Children wear costumes and cut scary faces into large rutabagas and place a candle inside them. They receive candy when they provide a nice entertainment to their neighbours.
Trick or treating originated in Ireland, so as usual, Irish children in disguise will enjoy the Halloween festivities, they will carry lanterns cut into large rutabagas. Children will be received by their neighbours with sweets and Irish houses will be decorated with Halloween lights.
Spanish people enjoy each kind of holidays and parties. Their kids will then enjoy receiving candies from their neighbours and adults will have the opportunity to have a Halloween party in each and every club. Spanish people also organize many Halloween parades.
Portugal does not celebrate Halloween; Portuguese people celebrate the Day of the Dead by organizing feasts at the cemetery.
Some regions of Italy organize Halloween Events and it seems that the Italian children enjoy this holiday.
Other European cities and clubs organize commercial events for Halloween (mainly for tourists), newspapers publish articles dedicated to Halloween, but I am unsure that people really practice Halloween. There are very few information about Halloween festivities in Europe; especially Central and eastern Europe. They stick to their own All Saints Day and Day Of The Dead.
Australia and New Zealand begin to enjoy Halloween.
USA, Canada, and Quebec: Halloween is very much appreciated and I think that only some worldwide disaster should prevent these people to celebrate Halloween.
Since some years, there is a growing interest on the part of the Chinese population for western events: Chinese people enjoy Halloween parties.
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n-am mers la nicio petrecere de Halloween pana acum si nici nu cred ca as merge...
RăspundețiȘtergerenu-mi plac sarbatorile imprumutate...
pana acuma nu am sarbatorit decat cu o portie buna de filme scary (sau care se vroiau a fi scary).
RăspundețiȘtergereanu asta nush ce o sa se intample. azi e, nu? parca asa stiam. oricum ziua de azi e incarcata peste masura, nush daca mai e vreme si de un party.
vorbisem cu o colega sa mergem in club, da nu simt ca`mi atarna buzunarele astfel incat sa ma duc sa le usurez.
chiar as vrea totusi sa fac cu ceva amici un party cu o tenta de halloween: costume, si joace si jocuri care mai de care. dar nu se stie.
nu sunt contra acestui eveniment. niciodata n`am fost. io mereu am fost impasibila la astfel de manifestari. exista o portiune ce urla: "huooo, romani ne`romani ce isteti" dar deh, toti suntem amu americani. ne mai tre ziua recunostintei si gata, suntem numa buni.
pana la urma, aceasta zi e o zi normala, numa ca o sa dau mai tot din casa cu usturoi, inclusiv fruntea mea o sa primeasca ceva usturoi.
nu vad de ce tre atata tam`tam. da nah...
Mahh e amuzant ca idee, dar sunt contra Halloween-ului. Ea ca sarbatoare este o mare campanie de promovare si imagine (vezi Mos Craciunul Coca-Cola), o chestie de marketing american si de export al unei "sarbatori" incropite din nimic (fara niciun fundament mistico-religios ori mitic).
RăspundețiȘtergereParca prea ne-am americanizat! De ce nu sarbatorim Ziua Florilor de Cires de la Japonezi?!?
Foarte simplu, fiindca noua ne place sa fim "cool" si in trend, importand si apropriindu-ne o gramada de lucruri/sarbatori fata de care nu avem nicio legatura - culturala, sociala ori antropologica.
Pe scurt sunt complet PRO Halloween acolo unde el are deja un fundament cultural si social, in comunitati "obisnuite" sa-l sarbatoreasca. La romani acest calc este unul complet nefericit!
Zizzou, nu e chiar incropita din nimic. Adica are la baza un fundamnet mitico-religios:
RăspundețiȘtergere"Halloween (also spelled Hallowe'en) is an annual holiday celebrated on October 31. It has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holy day of All Saints. It is largely a secular celebration but some have expressed strong feelings about perceived religious overtones." (sursa: wikipedia)
o zi ca oricare alta, pentru mine si prietenii mei cel putin. nu sarbatorim, nu nimic. e doar... halloween. nici ideea de halloween nu-mi place. poate ca nu suntem totusi atat de americani.
RăspundețiȘtergereDa JeAnne, dar legatura nu este una directa, adica este o pervertire ciudata a unei sarbatori mistico-religioase de rit Celtic. Ea nu mai este deloc religioasa si nu are nicio legatura cu sarbatoarea originala!
RăspundețiȘtergereDa, ca nu mai e demult ce se voia a fi e una, dar totusi are un fundament mistico-religios. (vrajitoare, lumanari, costume, dovelegi, capete de mort sunt simblouri ale sarbatoarii originale). Si totusi omenirea a evoluat. In societatea de azi sarbatorile de genul nu mai au acelasi impact ca acum 1500 de ani, e oarecum firesc sa se comercializeze. Si evident, odata cu comercializarea se si profita de pe urma ei. Dar asta se intampla cu orice sarbatoare, nu numai cu Halloween-ul. :P
RăspundețiȘtergereNu sunt neaparat contra acestei "sarbatori" insa, nu mi se pare o sarbatoare adevarata si nu vad de ce ar trebui noi, romanii, sa o sarbatorim...pana la urma fiecare face cum vrea...
Ma intreb si eu de ce nu ne tinem si noi de sarbatori romanesti? Ca doar sunt ale noastre, oricat de demodate le par unora. Pe mine unul ma deranjeaza teribil sa merg in 31 octombrie sa beau o bere in oras si sa ma dea afara din birt pe motiv ca n-am costum si ca e petrecere (noroc ca tine de fiecare data minciuna ca sunt deghizat in politehnist).
RăspundețiȘtergereNu inteleg in general de ce toata lumea se complace in a face parte dintr-o societate de consum, cosmopolitana. Poate imi explicati si mie care e spiel-ul.
cand eram mica am sarbatorit Halloweenul vreo 3 ani la rand cu prietenii de pe strada dar acum mi se pare ca sunt prea mare pentru asta. eram amuzant si de fiecare data strangeam o gramada de dulciuri :D cred ca asta era motivul principal pentru care mergeam din casa-n casa
RăspundețiȘtergereera amuzant*